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Attendance Reminders

  1. All notes for absences and early dismissals may be turned in at the office or homeroom in the morning upon arrival.
  2. Notes must be submitted within three business days of their absence.  After three days it will be considered unexcused.
  3. A doctor's note is required after three consecutive absences.
  4. Early dismissal - Students will be called to the office upon arrival of their parent/guardian.
  5. Early dismissal - When sending a note, be sure to include the date, time, reason, and who will be picking up your child.  ID is required for pick up.
  6. If your student is absent from school for 10 or more days, you will be required to provide a physician’s documentation for all future absences or late entries.
  7. Trip request forms are due 7 days in advance of the absence and can be found on the website.

Thank you!